Our mission: representing and serving thousands of Mössbauer spectroscopists all over the world.

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István Dézsi (1934-2022)

It is with deepest sadness to announce the passing of Professor István Dézsi, emeritus professor of the Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Doctor of the Physical Sciences at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, foreign member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and Arts.

Yasuhiro Yamada (1959-2020)

On Wednesday April 29, 2020 Yasuhiro Yamada unexpectedly passed away in the age of only 61, due to an acute bone marrow cancer. He was full of plans for new projects. All his friends and colleagues are deeply shocked. Yasuhiro was active IBAME member since 2013, representing the chemists in the Japanese Mössbauer Community. OUr deepest thoughts are with his family and friends.

Alfred Xaver Trautwein (1940-2019)

On Saturday November 9, 2019 Alfred (Ali) Xaver Trautwein passed away after a long severe disease, which he suffered with admirable fortitude. Born 1940 in Neu-Ulm he studied at TU München, became assistant in the group of Ulrich Gonser, where he built up a Mössbauer laboratory, before he got a call from the University zu Lübeck. There he worked as full professor for 24 years mainly in the field of biochemistry. He was dean and rector before he retired in 2007. He wrote several books (e.g.

Werner Keune (1939-2021)

On Saturday March 27 Werner Keune passed away with age of 81. In spite of his long lasting severe illness he was until last in close contact with his colleagues at the university. The Mössbauer community has lost an excellent scientist and a very friendly and open-minded colleague. Our thoughts are with his family. A biographic sketch can be found here: https://www.mossbauer.info/biokeune.html

George Filoti (1942-2021)

George Filoti died on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, at age 79. He was a senior researcher rank 1 at the National Institute of Materials Physics, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania and had a prestigious didactic activity as Professor associated to the Doctoral School of Physics from University of Bucharest.

Jan Suwalski (1929-2018)

On June 7, 2018 Prof. Dr. hab. Jan Suwalski passed away at age of 89. He was Professor emeritus of the National Centre for Nuclear Research at ´Swierk. Prof. Suwalski was one of the pioneers of Mössbauer spectroscopy technique in Poland.

Örn Helgason ( -2019)

Örn Helgason died on Monday August 19, 2019. Örn was Professor in The University of Iceland from 1969 until retirement in 2008 when he was granted the title of Emeritus Professor.

Enver Murad (1941-2019)

Born in Berlin, Germany, Enver Murad received his university degree in Mineralogy at the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, in 1967; Doctor degrees in philosophiae naturalis, in 1970, from the Universität Frankfurt and Doctor rerum naturalium habilitation, in 1986, from the Technische Universität München.

Mamdouh A. Ahmed (2019)

On July 18th Prof. Mamdouh A. Ahmed IBAME representative of Egypt passed away

Yuri Moiseevich Kagan (1928 - 2019)

We inform with deep regret that on June 4, 2019 in Moscow, before one month reached its 91st birthday (on July 6), Yuri Moiseevich Kagan passed away. The cause of death was cancer, from which he has been intensively treated lately.
Yu. Kagan was an outstanding theoretical physicist, one of the oldest scientists of the Research Center of the Kurchatov Institute, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


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