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The International Board on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (IBAME) was established with approval of a Constitution in August 1993 at the International Conference on the Mössbauer Effect that was held in Vancouver that year. The first official meeting of this organization took place at ICAME '95 in Rimini, Italy. IBAME is the legal successor of the International Commission on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect established in 1978 in Kyoto, Japan.

The objectives of this Board are to advance the diffusion of knowledge in the field of the Mössbauer Effect and its applications, to promote the activities of the international community in this interdisciplinary field of basic and applied research, to attempt the harmonization of venues and dates of the various international and continental Mössbauer conferences to avoid duplications, and to encourage the participation of young research workers and research workers of weak resource countries. Furthermore, the Board elaborates recommendations for the nomenclature to be used in publications on results achieved by using Mössbauer spectroscopy. In this context, 'Mössbauer spectroscopy' is used in a general sense including both laboratory and synchrotron-radiation techniques related to the Mössbauer Effect the latter group including nuclear resonance scattering of synchrotron radiation, nuclear inelastic scattering of synchrotron radiation and synchrotron-radiation-based perturbed angular correlation. Mössbauer spectroscopy includes not only experimental techniques as applied in physics, chemistry, materials sciences, life sciences, earth sciences, space research, archaeology, environmental sciences, etc. but also the theory and data evaluation techniques connected to the method.

Honorary membership of IBAME is granted in exceptional cases, in recognition of extraordinary contribution to Mössbauer spectroscopy and its applications. Present Honorary members of the Board are Philipp Gütlich and Erich Gerdau. Deceased Honorary Members were Vitalii Goldanskii, Ulrich Gonser, Rudolf L. Mößbauer and Hendrick de Waard.

Outstanding records of scientists in Mössbauer spectroscopy may be recognized by IBAME Awards. The IBAME Science Award can be granted for a high-quality contribution to science based on research that involves application of the Mössbauer Effect over an extended period of at least 20 years. Conversely, the IBAME Young Scientist Award may encourage scientists up to the age of 35 for likewise high-quality contributions.

IBAME is an Associated Organization of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). IBAME works in close cooperation with the Mössbauer Effect Data Center (MEDC) in Dalian, P.R. China.