2015: Ryo Masuda
in recognition of his excellent work in synchrotron-radiation-based Mössbauer spectroscopy.
2017: Ulrike Kramm
for her excellent recent works and results on Fe-based catalysts using the Mössbauer Effect.
2017: Kilian Heeg
for his excellent contributions and groundbreaking results in the emerging field of nuclear quantum optics.
2019: Li Xuning
for his outstanding contributions to the study of catalytic processes and nanomaterials using the Mössbauer Effect.
2019: Makino Saito
for his outstanding contributions to the study of condensed matter via nuclear resonant scattering of synchrotron radiation.
2021: Leland B. Gee
for pushing the experimental limits of 57Fe and 61Ni nuclear resonance spectroscopies for biophysical applications and developing helpful tools for the analysis of nuclear spectroscopy data.
Next time, the IBAME Young Scientist Award will be presented at ICAME 2023 in September 2023 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.